About The Market
The Kings Norton Farmers' Market was set up by a group of local residents who wanted to make a difference in their community. The market is a not-for-profit, non-political organisation, with any surplus being invested directly back into the local community - through our status as a Community Interest Company - the first farmers market Community Interest Company in England.
In 1616, King James granted permission to hold markets and fairs in Kings Norton. Both the original fairs and the market eventually fell into disuse. At some later date, a mop fair began to be held on the Green on the first Monday of October. A mop fair was a hiring fair where people would go looking for employment.
After the decline of hiring fairs, the mop became a village fête organised by the Round Table with the aim of raising money for local people. More recently, the Round Table handed over running the mop to a commercial fun fair. The farmers' market as we know it today was set up in 2005 by a group of local volunteers, operating on The Green once a month.
"Know ye, that we, graciously cherishing the common good and benefit of the inhabitants of Kings Norton…do give and grant… that they hold and keep, to the sole and proper benefit and use of the inhabitants of the same town of Kings Norton…a market to be held and kept on Saturdays… Attested by the King at Westminster on the 15th May 1616"
King James
The Market is non-profit making, so once all admin costs are covered (such as payment for road closure, insurance, and stall hire), the remaining money is donated to local causes such as:
Giving trees to to primary schools
Scouts / Guides
British Legion
Lord Mayor’s Charity
Salvation Army
Women’s Institute
Seeds and equipment to local schools to support produce growing projects. (Schools bring their plants back to the market to sell)
Monthly donations to a local Food Bank
The market is strongly focused on the Community, offering one or two free community stalls at each market. These are available to local organisations or National movements such as the Woodland Trust. If you are a local organisation or national movement, get in touch via the link below, or by approaching a steward at the market.